Thursday, April 22, 2021

Earth Day and the Awakening of Cape Cod

Today is Earth Day,  a time to reflect and connect to the abundance surrounding us. 

If you look around Cape Cod, everything is big. Houses and vehicles are big; social, economic and food issues are big. The Pandemic has reeked big havoc on our lives and the lives of our friends and family - really big. 

In the run up to big, have we lost our way recognizing the simple nuances of nature as small signs of abundance? 

Of all months of the year on Cape Cod, April is big. It is the time we roust from  dormancy. 

The ocean turns a teal green, the herring arrive, the ospreys follow. Then the porgies and mackerel, squid and striped bass along with laughing gulls and oyster catchers. 

Cape Cod has awoken, it's Earth Day. 

Fish weirs are erected in the Nantucket Sound in the spring to coincide with the awakening of Cape Cod. Fish weirs are a historic artisanal seasonal fisheries harvesting squid, scup and mackerel in the later days of spring and early summer.
Photo by Shannon Eldredge, Chatham Fish Weirs Enterprises.